problème d'envoi des rapport vers squash

Messages : 12
Inscription : jeu. sept. 28, 2023 1:32 pm

problème d'envoi des rapport vers squash

Message par chatim »

je voulais envoyé les rapports d'execution robotframwork (report.html, log.html et output.xml) vers squash depuis l'orchestrateur. (la commande et le workflow utilisés ci-dessous).

Description du problème :
seulment le fichier 'output.xml' est envoyé et uploadé dans squash, les autres (report et log) ne sont pas envoyés. (screenshot ci-dessous)

Commande utilisée:

Code : Tout sélectionner

opentf-ctl run workflow workflow-devops.yaml -f report1=report.html -f report2=output.xml -f report3=log.html
Workflow utilisé :

Code : Tout sélectionner

  name: Test Inception
  - report1
  - report2
  - report3
    runs-on: inception
    - uses: actions/prepare-inception@v1
        report.html: ${{ resources.files.report1 }}
        output.xml: ${{ resources.files.report2 }}
        log.html: ${{ resources.files.report3 }}
    runs-on: inception
    needs: [prepare]
      squashTMUrl: https://[i]squashtm_url[/i]/squash
      squashTMAutomatedServerLogin: ********
      squashTMAutomatedServerPassword: *******
      testPlanUuid: ca3f636f-21cb-40e2-8db1-***********
      testPlanType: Iteration
voici aussi les logs d'orchestrateur :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2024-02-22 17:52:15,611] INFO in receptionist: Workflow Test Inception accepted (workflow_id=2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517).
[2024-02-22 17:52:15,747] WARNING in observer: Out of band message, workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517 unknown in {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'ExecutionCommand', 'metadata': {'name': 'prepare', 'namespace': 'default', 'workflow_id': '2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517', 'job_id': 'daab82af-08f2-4edb-8719-4534b1577e0a', 'job_origin': [], 'step_id': 'be36424e-1255-4761-a17f-46b42955cc4a', 'step_origin': [], 'step_sequence_id': -1, 'creationTimestamp': '2024-02-22T17:52:15.681411'}, 'scripts': [], 'runs-on': 'inception'}.
[2024-02-22 17:52:15,816] INFO in agentchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:15,929] INFO in sshchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,180] INFO in inceptionee: >>> ::inception::2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517::report.html::/tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report1
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,180] INFO in inceptionee: report.html added to cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report1
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,319] INFO in inceptionee: >>> ::inception::2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517::output.xml::/tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,319] INFO in inceptionee: output.xml added to cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,510] INFO in inceptionee: >>> ::inception::2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517::log.html::/tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report3
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,511] INFO in inceptionee: log.html added to cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report3
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,716] INFO  in tm-community-generator: Calling the Squash TM automated test API at https://[i]squash_url[/i]/squash with the following arguments targetUUID=ca3f636f-21cb-40e2-8db1-485674508b5a,targetType=Iteration
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,063] WARN  in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,063] WARN  in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,064] WARN  in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,064] WARN  in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,088] INFO  in tm-community-generator: Successfully published AutomatedSuite definition 402870868b4930e2018dd1f25897005c for generator robot in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,200] INFO  in tm-community-generator: Successfully published generation result for generator robot in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,419] INFO in agentchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['robotframework', 'inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,502] INFO in sshchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['robotframework', 'inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,718] INFO in inceptionee: >>> git clone -b dev https://[i]gitlab_repository_url[/i]
[2024-02-22 17:52:18,230] INFO in inceptionee: >>> cat << "0d672480-af3a-4e95-ba80-8555b82a21be" > 002606f5-5f83-4a2e-9f0f-9cdb9020248e.ini

[2024-02-22 17:52:18,404] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo export _SQUASH_TF_TESTCASE_PARAM_FILES=002606f5-5f83-4a2e-9f0f-9cdb9020248e.ini >> "$OPENTF_VARIABLES"
[2024-02-22 17:52:18,931] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f log.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:19,241] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f report.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:19,583] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f output.xml
[2024-02-22 17:52:19,909] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:20,213] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:20,558] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:20,869] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:21,191] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:21,525] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:21,860] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,194] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-result.json
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,551] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-attachment.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,719] INFO in inceptionee: >>> robot --nostatusrc --listener "allure_robotframework;." "testing_bloomcore_rf/Test-cases-CR/TestCase-1/login.robot"
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,998] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,140] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f tmp_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,297] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,418] INFO in inceptionee: >>> touch list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,571] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,705] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,821] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,972] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,126] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,256] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,401] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "log.html" ]; then echo "log.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,541] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "report.html" ]; then echo "report.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,670] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then mv list_tar_files tmp_tar_files; cat tmp_tar_files | sed "s/\(^.\/\)\(.*\)/\2/" > list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,796] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then tar -cf "RobotFramework_reports.tar" -T list_tar_files; else echo "::error::The specified patterns do not match any files."; exit 1;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,120] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach::`pwd`/RobotFramework_reports.tar"
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,120] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find RobotFramework_reports.tar in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,457] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach type=application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml::`pwd`/output.xml"
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,457] INFO in inceptionee: output.xml found in cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,655] INFO  in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing test results of type [application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml]...
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,812] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-result.json' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-result.json ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,813] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:26,143] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-attachment.html' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No attachment with Robot reports for Allure or no allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-attachment.html ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:26,143] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:26,659] INFO in inceptionee: >>> cat << "60f85b01-8e8d-4de5-8d2d-9c05c239bc40" > 95685973-42ab-4250-9d29-b360b69e1d4f.ini

[2024-02-22 17:52:26,816] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo export _SQUASH_TF_TESTCASE_PARAM_FILES=95685973-42ab-4250-9d29-b360b69e1d4f.ini >> "$OPENTF_VARIABLES"
[2024-02-22 17:52:27,354] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f log.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:27,675] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f report.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,004] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f output.xml
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,311] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,627] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,954] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:29,267] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:29,597] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:29,948] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:30,281] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:30,600] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-result.json
[2024-02-22 17:52:30,914] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-attachment.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,063] INFO in inceptionee: >>> robot --nostatusrc --listener "allure_robotframework;." "testing_bloomcore_rf/Test-cases-CR/TestCase-1/login.robot"
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,391] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,560] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f tmp_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,694] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,828] INFO in inceptionee: >>> touch list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,956] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,070] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,202] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,340] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,481] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,607] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,733] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "log.html" ]; then echo "log.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,875] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "report.html" ]; then echo "report.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,010] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then mv list_tar_files tmp_tar_files; cat tmp_tar_files | sed "s/\(^.\/\)\(.*\)/\2/" > list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,139] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then tar -cf "RobotFramework_reports.tar" -T list_tar_files; else echo "::error::The specified patterns do not match any files."; exit 1;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,455] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach::`pwd`/RobotFramework_reports.tar"
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,455] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find RobotFramework_reports.tar in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,764] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach type=application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml::`pwd`/output.xml"
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,765] INFO in inceptionee: output.xml found in cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,900] INFO  in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing test results of type [application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml]...
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,104] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-result.json' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-result.json ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,104] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,434] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-attachment.html' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No attachment with Robot reports for Allure or no allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-attachment.html ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,434] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,587] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow 6ceb0710-3758-4c6f-8bd2-00d027c2f71c.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,588] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow 928b6361-9d41-4c5c-92f0-00655a31064f.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,590] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow a0bb1878-37b7-4c2b-bec5-d4ee5f1bebdb.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,621] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow c67c344a-cc9a-4303-afe4-52f010b49c1f.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,801] INFO  in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing 'robotframework' test report...
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,803] INFO  in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing 'robotframework' test report...
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,830] INFO  in opentestfactory-interpreter: Successfully published ReportInterpreter result for InterpreterInput squashTMJob-0 in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,840] INFO  in opentestfactory-interpreter: Successfully published ReportInterpreter result for InterpreterInput squashTMJob-0 in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517
report.png (57.97 Kio) Consulté 2963 fois
Messages : 2
Inscription : mer. avr. 10, 2024 4:08 pm

Re: problème d'envoi des rapport vers squash

Message par Vivian »


Il serait judicieux de vérifier si les chemins des fichiers sont corrects et accessibles depuis l'orchestrateur. De plus, assurez-vous que les fichiers sont correctement générés et disponibles au moment de l'exécution de la commande.

Si les chemins et les fichiers sont corrects, il pourrait y avoir une limitation ou un problème dans la façon dont l'orchestrateur traite les fichiers à envoyer. Je vous suggère de consulter la documentation de l'orchestrateur ou de contacter le support technique pour obtenir de l'aide sur ce problème spécifique. J'ai souligné l'importance de vérifier la configuration et l'exécution du workflow, ce qui est souvent une composante cruciale dans les projets de TPE.
Messages : 0
Inscription : lun. juil. 22, 2024 9:52 am

Re: problème d'envoi des rapport vers squash

Message par Alice12 »

Vivian a écrit : mar. avr. 16, 2024 7:38 am Bonjour,

Il serait judicieux de vérifier si les chemins des fichiers sont corrects et accessibles depuis l'orchestrateur. De plus, assurez-vous que les fichiers sont correctement générés et disponibles au moment de Friday Night Funkin l'exécution de la commande.

Si les chemins et les fichiers sont corrects, il pourrait y avoir une limitation ou un problème dans la façon dont l'orchestrateur traite les fichiers à envoyer. Je vous suggère de consulter la documentation de l'orchestrateur ou de contacter le support technique pour obtenir de l'aide sur ce problème spécifique. J'ai souligné l'importance de vérifier la configuration et l'exécution du workflow, ce qui est souvent une composante cruciale dans les projets de TPE.
Je vais suivre ces instructions
Messages : 1
Inscription : lun. août 19, 2024 3:29 am

Re: problème d'envoi des rapport vers squash

Message par voteruppity »

Vivian a écrit : mar. avr. 16, 2024 7:38 am Bonjour,
pizza tower
Il serait judicieux de vérifier si les chemins des fichiers sont corrects et accessibles depuis l'orchestrateur. De plus, assurez-vous que les fichiers sont correctement générés et disponibles au moment de l'exécution de la commande.

Si les chemins et les fichiers sont corrects, il pourrait y avoir une limitation ou un problème dans la façon dont l'orchestrateur traite les fichiers à envoyer. Je vous suggère de consulter la documentation de l'orchestrateur ou de contacter le support technique pour obtenir de l'aide sur ce problème spécifique. J'ai souligné l'importance de vérifier la configuration et l'exécution du workflow, ce qui est souvent une composante cruciale dans les projets de TPE.

Merci pour ces conseils, ils sont très utiles. J'ai déjà eu un souci similaire dans le passé, où un simple chemin de fichier incorrect avait causé pas mal de maux de tête, donc je vais vérifier ça en premier. Je vais aussi jeter un œil à la documentation de l'orchestrateur, car c'est vrai que parfois, un petit détail peut tout changer.

Si ça ne fonctionne toujours pas, je n'hésiterai pas à contacter le support technique. J’ai remarqué que leur aide peut parfois débloquer des situations en un rien de temps. Encore merci pour l’astuce, je vais m’y atteler de ce pas !
Messages : 2
Inscription : ven. mai 24, 2024 6:40 am

Re: problème d'envoi des rapport vers squash

Message par sarausa »


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