je voulais envoyé les rapports d'execution robotframwork (report.html, log.html et output.xml) vers squash depuis l'orchestrateur. (la commande et le workflow utilisés ci-dessous).
Description du problème :
seulment le fichier 'output.xml' est envoyé et uploadé dans squash, les autres (report et log) ne sont pas envoyés. (screenshot ci-dessous)
Commande utilisée:
Code : Tout sélectionner
opentf-ctl run workflow workflow-devops.yaml -f report1=report.html -f report2=output.xml -f report3=log.html
Code : Tout sélectionner
name: Test Inception
- report1
- report2
- report3
runs-on: inception
- uses: actions/prepare-inception@v1
report.html: ${{ resources.files.report1 }}
output.xml: ${{ resources.files.report2 }}
log.html: ${{ resources.files.report3 }}
runs-on: inception
needs: [prepare]
squashTMUrl: https://[i]squashtm_url[/i]/squash
squashTMAutomatedServerLogin: ********
squashTMAutomatedServerPassword: *******
testPlanUuid: ca3f636f-21cb-40e2-8db1-***********
testPlanType: Iteration
Code : Tout sélectionner
[2024-02-22 17:52:15,611] INFO in receptionist: Workflow Test Inception accepted (workflow_id=2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517).
[2024-02-22 17:52:15,747] WARNING in observer: Out of band message, workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517 unknown in {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'ExecutionCommand', 'metadata': {'name': 'prepare', 'namespace': 'default', 'workflow_id': '2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517', 'job_id': 'daab82af-08f2-4edb-8719-4534b1577e0a', 'job_origin': [], 'step_id': 'be36424e-1255-4761-a17f-46b42955cc4a', 'step_origin': [], 'step_sequence_id': -1, 'creationTimestamp': '2024-02-22T17:52:15.681411'}, 'scripts': [], 'runs-on': 'inception'}.
[2024-02-22 17:52:15,816] INFO in agentchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:15,929] INFO in sshchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,180] INFO in inceptionee: >>> ::inception::2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517::report.html::/tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report1
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,180] INFO in inceptionee: report.html added to cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report1
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,319] INFO in inceptionee: >>> ::inception::2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517::output.xml::/tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,319] INFO in inceptionee: output.xml added to cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,510] INFO in inceptionee: >>> ::inception::2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517::log.html::/tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report3
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,511] INFO in inceptionee: log.html added to cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report3
[2024-02-22 17:52:16,716] INFO in tm-community-generator: Calling the Squash TM automated test API at https://[i]squash_url[/i]/squash with the following arguments targetUUID=ca3f636f-21cb-40e2-8db1-485674508b5a,targetType=Iteration
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,063] WARN in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,063] WARN in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,064] WARN in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,064] WARN in tm-community-generator: username is not useful for token
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,088] INFO in tm-community-generator: Successfully published AutomatedSuite definition 402870868b4930e2018dd1f25897005c for generator robot in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,200] INFO in tm-community-generator: Successfully published generation result for generator robot in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,419] INFO in agentchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['robotframework', 'inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,502] INFO in sshchannel: Could not find environment matching request ['robotframework', 'inception'] in namespace 'default'.
[2024-02-22 17:52:17,718] INFO in inceptionee: >>> git clone -b dev https://[i]gitlab_repository_url[/i]
[2024-02-22 17:52:18,230] INFO in inceptionee: >>> cat << "0d672480-af3a-4e95-ba80-8555b82a21be" > 002606f5-5f83-4a2e-9f0f-9cdb9020248e.ini
[2024-02-22 17:52:18,404] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo export _SQUASH_TF_TESTCASE_PARAM_FILES=002606f5-5f83-4a2e-9f0f-9cdb9020248e.ini >> "$OPENTF_VARIABLES"
[2024-02-22 17:52:18,931] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f log.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:19,241] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f report.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:19,583] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f output.xml
[2024-02-22 17:52:19,909] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:20,213] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:20,558] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:20,869] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:21,191] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:21,525] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:21,860] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,194] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-result.json
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,551] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-attachment.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,719] INFO in inceptionee: >>> robot --nostatusrc --listener "allure_robotframework;." "testing_bloomcore_rf/Test-cases-CR/TestCase-1/login.robot"
[2024-02-22 17:52:22,998] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,140] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f tmp_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,297] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,418] INFO in inceptionee: >>> touch list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,571] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,705] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,821] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:23,972] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,126] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,256] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,401] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "log.html" ]; then echo "log.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,541] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "report.html" ]; then echo "report.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,670] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then mv list_tar_files tmp_tar_files; cat tmp_tar_files | sed "s/\(^.\/\)\(.*\)/\2/" > list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:24,796] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then tar -cf "RobotFramework_reports.tar" -T list_tar_files; else echo "::error::The specified patterns do not match any files."; exit 1;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,120] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach::`pwd`/RobotFramework_reports.tar"
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,120] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find RobotFramework_reports.tar in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,457] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach type=application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml::`pwd`/output.xml"
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,457] INFO in inceptionee: output.xml found in cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,655] INFO in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing test results of type [application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml]...
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,812] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-result.json' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-result.json ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:25,813] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:26,143] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-attachment.html' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No attachment with Robot reports for Allure or no allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-attachment.html ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:26,143] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:26,659] INFO in inceptionee: >>> cat << "60f85b01-8e8d-4de5-8d2d-9c05c239bc40" > 95685973-42ab-4250-9d29-b360b69e1d4f.ini
[2024-02-22 17:52:26,816] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo export _SQUASH_TF_TESTCASE_PARAM_FILES=95685973-42ab-4250-9d29-b360b69e1d4f.ini >> "$OPENTF_VARIABLES"
[2024-02-22 17:52:27,354] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f log.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:27,675] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f report.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,004] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f output.xml
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,311] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,627] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:28,954] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:29,267] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:29,597] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.png
[2024-02-22 17:52:29,948] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpg
[2024-02-22 17:52:30,281] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f browser/screenshot/*.jpeg
[2024-02-22 17:52:30,600] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-result.json
[2024-02-22 17:52:30,914] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f *-attachment.html
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,063] INFO in inceptionee: >>> robot --nostatusrc --listener "allure_robotframework;." "testing_bloomcore_rf/Test-cases-CR/TestCase-1/login.robot"
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,391] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f RobotFramework_reports.tar
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,560] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f tmp_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,694] INFO in inceptionee: >>> rm -f list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,828] INFO in inceptionee: >>> touch list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:31,956] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,070] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,202] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,340] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpeg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,481] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,607] INFO in inceptionee: >>> find browser/screenshot -maxdepth 1 -name "*.png" -type f -print | grep -v list_tar_files>> list_tar_files
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,733] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "log.html" ]; then echo "log.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:32,875] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -f "report.html" ]; then echo "report.html">> list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,010] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then mv list_tar_files tmp_tar_files; cat tmp_tar_files | sed "s/\(^.\/\)\(.*\)/\2/" > list_tar_files;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,139] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if [ -s "list_tar_files" ]; then tar -cf "RobotFramework_reports.tar" -T list_tar_files; else echo "::error::The specified patterns do not match any files."; exit 1;fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,455] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach::`pwd`/RobotFramework_reports.tar"
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,455] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find RobotFramework_reports.tar in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,764] INFO in inceptionee: >>> echo "::attach type=application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml::`pwd`/output.xml"
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,765] INFO in inceptionee: output.xml found in cache as /tmp/in_2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517_report2
[2024-02-22 17:52:33,900] INFO in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing test results of type [application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml]...
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,104] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-result.json' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-result.json ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,104] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,434] INFO in inceptionee: >>> if test -z "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-attachment.html' -print -quit)"; then echo "::warning::No attachment with Robot reports for Allure or no allure-robotframework in execution host"; else for f in *-attachment.html ; do test -f "$(pwd)/$f" && echo "::attach::$(pwd)/$f" ; done; fi
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,434] WARNING in inceptionee: Could not find $f" ; done; fi in cache
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,587] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow 6ceb0710-3758-4c6f-8bd2-00d027c2f71c.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,588] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow 928b6361-9d41-4c5c-92f0-00655a31064f.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,590] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow a0bb1878-37b7-4c2b-bec5-d4ee5f1bebdb.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,621] INFO in observer: Cleaning events for completed workflow c67c344a-cc9a-4303-afe4-52f010b49c1f.
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,801] INFO in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing 'robotframework' test report...
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,803] INFO in opentestfactory-interpreter: Parsing 'robotframework' test report...
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,830] INFO in opentestfactory-interpreter: Successfully published ReportInterpreter result for InterpreterInput squashTMJob-0 in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517
[2024-02-22 17:52:34,840] INFO in opentestfactory-interpreter: Successfully published ReportInterpreter result for InterpreterInput squashTMJob-0 in workflow 2af68ee5-8941-4b86-b141-edef050fb517