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Squash-TA : Can't resolve Archetype

Publié : lun. févr. 20, 2017 3:11 pm
par laura

I try to install squash TA whith ... ta-project

But the archetype don't work.

I try with toolbox (1.9.0) version :
Archetype Group ID: org.squashtest.ta
Archetype Artifact ID: squash-ta-project-archetype
Archetype Version: 1.9.0-RELEASE
Repository URL:
But i have error :
"Can't resolve Archetype org.squashtest.ta:squash-ta-project-archetype:1.9.0-RELEASE
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Could not resolve artifact org.squashtest.ta:squash-ta-project-archetype:pom:1.9.0-RELEASE"

it's the same with Squash-TA version (1.71.1) :
Archetype Group ID: org.squashtest.ta
Archetype Artifact ID: squash-ta-project-archetype
Archetype Version: 1.7.1-RELEASE
Repository URL:
"Can't resolve Archetype org.squashtest.ta:squash-ta-project-archetype:1.7.1-RELEASE
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Could not resolve artifact org.squashtest.ta:squash-ta-project-archetype:pom:1.7.1-RELEASE"

Thank you for your help

Squash-TA : Can't resolve Archetype

Publié : dim. avr. 30, 2017 11:07 pm
par ben
I have the same problem with the built-in eclipse in squash ta toolbox, I hope they will be a correction of this bug, but as quick solution, I have download the archetype in the local repository via a standard eclipse version (neon in my case without squash eclipse plugin)which work without any problem. After that you go to the squash ta eclipse and normally you will found directly the archetype and you don't have to download it.

Squash-TA : Can't resolve Archetype

Publié : mer. mai 03, 2017 10:06 am
par flebot
i have same issue too.
repository is accessible using browser but download of the archetype fails with resolution error.
because i am at work using a corporate autoconfig script, i tried using wifi connexion without the autoconfig script and it failed again with same error.
after toolbox install i don't have any xml file in my .m2 directory, just the repository.
thanks to give us a solution to be able to use your solution.
Best Regards.

Squash-TA : Can't resolve Archetype

Publié : mar. sept. 11, 2018 4:53 pm
par yvesk2012
je galère sur le même problème depuis 3 semaines,toutes les solution proposé ne m'aide pas.
En effet je suis dans une architecture ou pour me connecter a internet, je dois passer par un poxy.
Le probleme, j'ai l'impression que le fichier .xml de maven ne voit as mon proxy.
voici mes outils:
1.squashta 1.10.0
2.proxy avec autentifiaction